Belanglo Forest Adventure

Sit back and enjoy this beautiful film of Ural sidecars and their pilots exploring dirt trails, forests, and the water’s edge. It was produced by this collaborative team: Hamilton Media, Frame Collective and Gasoline Motor Co. with motorcycles provided by Ural Australia.

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Some of these photos were shot in the Belanglo State Forest of NSW. The Urals were right at home in the towering pines and dusty roads. Also fitting the part is the apparel featured throughout this adventure by Blackbird Motorcycle Wear.

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“We got lost somewhere in the Belanglo Forest with nowhere to go…and it felt amazing.”

Blackbird Motorcycle Wear is an edgy evolving range of the retro, crafted for the urban rider’s love of the journey whatever the destination. They want riders to have a choice, both in terms of technical performance and individual style.


Gasoline Motor Co. is a renowned custom motorcycle workshop from Sydney, Australia. The Waterloo based headquarters contains a full service workshop and showroom which features new and second hand motorcycles as well as apparel and helmets.

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Ural Australia is the importer and distributor of Ural sidecar motorcycles. They’re based in northern NSW with a showroom in Uralla as well as other dealer locations in the country.


You don’t need a destination, just pick a direction and go.

A Ural adventure can happen on a ride to nowhere. Sidecars provide non-stop fun whether you’re touring on the paved backroads or blasting forest trails. And, you can bring tons of supplies and gear with you!
